A Promo Video of Course Structural Biology

A Promo Video of Course Structural Biology

Post NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) era has completely changed the way of understanding research, especially in the field of biomedical science. Today the complete genome sequencing of an organism is done in a few days providing the researchers with thousands of genes hence thousands of protein sequences. But to proceed further we need to understand the three-dimensional architecture of the protein molecules. The current course would take an initiative to educate the students in gathering knowledge about the structural units forming biological macromolecules, their architectural hierarchies, the basics of the structural biology techniques, their pros and cons, how to read and visualize 3D structure files, etc. The course also include introduction to molecular dynamics and case studies explaining the probable application of the acquired knowledge. But most importantly this course is an attempt to help linking the biological events to understand how biological macromolecules are generated, folded and get functional. Understanding those fundamentals would help students towards studying follow up advanced courses like Advanced structural biology, Macromolecular crystallography, Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Structure-based drug designing, protein engineering, etc. In summary, this course would open up the gate of modern research related courses in the field of Drug Designing and macromolecule based engineering.

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