This Decade's Biggest Breakthroughs In Space And Physics

This Decade's Biggest Breakthroughs In Space And Physics

Here are the biggest scientific breakthroughs of this decade:

The first image of a black hole
The discovery of Higgs Boson
Detection of Gravitational Waves
Voyager 1 and 2 entering interstellar space
India’s record-breaking Mangalayaan mission
Cassini’s Grand Finale
The Parker Space Probe
Juno’s visit to Mars
New Horizon’s voyager to Pluto
A new definition of the kilogram
.’s quantum supremacy
The discovery of thousands of exoplanets
The end of the Space Shuttle Program
The rise of SpaceX
Landing on a Comet
A new estimate of the number of galaxies

Other natural phenomena that made this decade special:

Transit of Venus
The Great Conjunction

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