Storage API, Math.js and JS Design Patterns: FrontEnd news (11 Jul'18)

Storage API, Math.js and JS Design Patterns: FrontEnd news (11 Jul'18)

Hi! Let’s talk today about Storage API, Math.js and JS Design Patterns. I’m Anatol and you are watching the Good Parts of the Frontend development.

Casper Beyer posted an article namely “Hello WebAssembly. A Look at Webassembly Through a Fantasy Console”. This is a brief view at WebAssembly and the WebAssembly Text format.

Node.js version 10.5 has been released. Some features have been added: . for crypto.scrypt(), an experimental multi-threading . (a.k.a. “worker threads”) behind a flag, and BigInt ..

Here is another informative article about JavaScript under the hood. Alexander Zlatkov has posted the next series of “How JavaScript works”. This writing is a basic introduction to building Web Components.

Alexander Zlatkov has posted another article of the series “How JavaScript works”. This post is titled “Storage engines. How to choose the proper storage API” and offers some guidelines on how to make the right choice when building your web app.

Right now, JavaScript Decorators are in stage 2. Decorators, which would provide a handy syntax to mutate functions or classes. This post is a short introduction to “decorators” proposal in JavaScript with basic examples and a little bit about ECMAScript.

Here is another episode of HTTP203 show. Here Ewa Gasperowicz joins Jake and Surma to have a fun discussion about technical debt, web performance, and web performance tools.

Jeffrey Lembeck made an educative and entertaining story about npm. Ever wonder what happens when you npm install something? After this talk, you’ll have a better understanding of the course a package takes.

Here in just 20 minutes Addy Osmani covers approaches to delivering JavaScript in an efficient way to ensure your users’ experiences are as seamless and smooth as possible.

Eric Simons posted an introduction to “Teleport: Over-The-Air Hot Reloading and Debugging for PWAs “. Teleport is a dev-server proxy that enables instant hot reloading and debugging across devices for Progressive Web Apps.

One more interesting tutorial from . Developers team namely “Optimize Website Speed With Chrome DevTools”. It’s a hands-on tutorial for learning how to use DevTools to find ways to make your sites faster.

You definitely know Math implementation is a bit tricky in JavaScript. Therefore, let me share Math.js, an Extensive Math Library for Node.js and Browser. It works with complex numbers, fractions, units, matrices, etc.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer posted one more JavaScript Methods Cheatsheet. This time it’s JavaScript Array Cheatsheet, it’s a very handy reference covering the most useful array methods.

In case you need ESLint but commonly used plugins don’t satisfy your team’s needs you can look through the article “Writing your own ESLint Plugins”. This is a step-by-step guide that describes how to create ESLint plugin checker using “Yoman generator” and test it using use-cases and AST explorer.

Marko Mišura in his turn posted “The Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Design Patterns”. You can read hear a bit of design patterns theory and learn design patterns in JavaScript by example.

Last week there was a fun community story around Vue.js getting more stars on . than React.

If you like this video give it “thumbs up”. Thanks for watching and stay curious.

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Used: Spectre Lead (Jforce Edit) by Jakebur4, Chiptune Melody by L0neW0lf, Rosita Lofi Beat by Fanto8BC, Kelso/Syzlak/Chilled Electro Break by LankFrampard, Hero Squadz II by 40A Arcade Town, Police Radio Sound by ALEXANDER

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