Nuclear Energy||Density|| mass defect|| bsc physics degree

Nuclear Energy||Density|| mass defect|| bsc physics degree

In this video series BSc Nuclear Physics course first chapter, general properties of the nucleus is included. this is 3rd part of this chapter in which nuclear energy and mas defect conceptually discussed. In the next video I will discuss the numericals based on such concept.
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What is amu || Nuclear Mass|| bsc physics degree

B SC Nuclear Physics 1st chapter playlist.
1. Nucleus size determination || Diameter of an atom || bsc physics degree

2. What is amu || Nuclear Mass|| bsc physics degree

3. Nuclear Energy||Density|| mass defect|| bsc physics degree

4. Packing Fraction Mass Defect||online apni physics classroom|| bsc physics degree

5. Binding Energy vs Packing Fraction || online apni physics classroom|| bsc physics degree

6. Angular Momentum of Nucleus||online apni physics classroom|| bsc physics degree

7. Pauli’s Spin Formalism||Parity of Nuclei||online apni physics classroom|| bsc physics degree

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