Kohei Kurihara, Privacy by Design Lab, Future Data Society Government Blockchain Association Tokyo

Kohei Kurihara, Privacy by Design Lab, Future Data Society Government Blockchain Association Tokyo

Kohei Kurihara, Co-founder of Privacy by Design Lab – Designing The Future Data Society, Government Blockchain Association Tokyo

Kohei Kurihara is a global recognised thought leader and influencer, the co-founder of Privacy by Design Lab @pbdlab, develops data privacy by design lab – that works culture and collaborative measures for future data society.

Kohei is the President of the Tokyo Chapter at Government Blockchain Association, the community to consist of diversified talent and sectors. The platform is a part of blockchain practice with individual empowerment and seeks future government establishment.

Kohei Kurihara Interview Focus

1. An introduction from you – Japanese background, overview, education…
2. Japan has an unique bridge between old ancient traditions and culture and innovation and tech. Can you tell us about that?
3. Career highlights
4. Your company / companies, organisations and focus?
5. Japan created the concept of Society 5.0
6. You are particularly focused on the areas of tech disruption and data and related privacy main areas related with 4IR and all areas of digital transformation. How do you see this?
7. What are your goals and how do you see the future of work and the main trends in tech and society? Special with Covid-19 what ways do you envision to redesign our society with technology and social impact?

Links and sources

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About citiesabc.com

Dinis Guarda’s 4IR: AI, Blockchain, Fintech, IoT – Reinventing a Nation

Intelligenthq Academy for blockchain, AI courses on

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