On-Time Metro – In Japan, The Train Is Never Late // Discovery on Viddsee.com

On-Time Metro - In Japan, The Train Is Never Late // Discovery on Viddsee.com

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With 179 stations, nine lines and over 2.3 billion users each year, the Tokyo Metro is the heart of Tokyo’s public transport system. This film goes behind the scenes to explore the mind-set, skill and technology behind its astonishing reliability and punctuality. The Tokyo Metro is so punctual that people set their watches by the arrival of the trains; if a train is more than a minute late, the driver has to make a personal apology. This film explores the reasons behind the Metro’s reputation for running on time, to reveal a long-established culture focused on avoiding failure through contingency planning for any event – from terrorism to earthquakes – and the introduction of new technology to improve safety and systematic preventative maintenance. However, we reveal the key to the Metro’s efficiency is exhaustive training for its station staff and drivers, who are trained to drive at precise speeds even if the technology fails.

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